How Custom Outdoor Flags Can Help Boost Brand Awareness
Teardrop, Balinese Flags and fabric silk satin banners are considered to be passive marketing tools. They have one function only: to draw the viewer’s attention to the store and what it offers. They’re tall and narrow but have plenty of surface area for printing a message, logo or image. It’s possible to set pertinent information at an average eye height so passers-by can view the offering quickly and make a decision to enter the store without a lot of thought beforehand. It’s a known fact that impulse buyers are more likely to spend money than someone who has made up their mind for a specific purchase before going to the store.
Stores with low visibility or in hard-to-find places, setting a bow or feather banner outside the door with directions to the door helps a customer find the store easily. It also draws the attention of a casual passer-by and draws interest as to what might be offered in the store. Standing banners are an effective tool for those who may not be a traditional retailer but welcomes the general public onto the premises.
Adding to the appeal of a standing banner is the fact that it moves in the wind without making noise. A banner turning in the breeze adds visibility by catching the eyes of passing traffic from all sides. A moving object always attracts attention, and a moving banner draws in the eye. It can lure someone into your premises who would otherwise not notice the store and walk on by.
Printing can be done on one or both sides. Single sided printing is an economical solution and allows you to market your store on a tight budget. It’s possible to set a single-sided banner in a location that it doesn’t spin, but still catches the eye of potential customers. Or use it inside the store to highlight a new product or an item of which you want to increase the sales. There are many ways to use a banner to highlight your store or products without a lot of effort on your part.
Get Your Message Across Easily
When someone is in the market for a new car, a new house or a new outfit, who do they turn to? If you operate an automotive, real estate or clothing business, you want the answer to be your company. Increasing the awareness people have of your brand is one way to make sure you become the go-to company when someone needs or wants what you have to sell.
Advertising is one way to boost brand awareness. In today’s world, you can’t deny the power of online advertising and marketing, but that doesn’t mean you should abandon more traditional types of advertising. Outdoor marketing, such as banners, decals and flags, gets your message out there, grabbing people’s attention involuntarily. Using in-person, physical marketing tactics like flags makes sense if your company’s goal is to attract local consumers and increase foot traffic.
Some of the reasons why outdoor marketing flags are excellent tools for increasing awareness of your brand include:
- They’re fun: It’s simple enough custom-printed flags are fun and whimsical, like kites or pinwheels. They also look festive, making them perfect for events like fairs or festivals.
- They’re dynamic: Marketing flags move in the wind, making them dynamic. When people see movement in their peripheral vision, it automatically grabs their attention. A fluttering or rotating flag is more likely to attract someone’s attention than a static advertisement is. Though flag poles are flexible and rotate in the wind, the flag itself will remain stretched over the pole so it’s fully readable, even when it moves around.
- They’re colorful: Imagine you’re jogging through the park and spot a bright orange or bright blue flag. You’re probably going to be interested in what it has to say. By using colors associated with your brand, you can help boost your brand awareness with every passerby, whether your flags are outside, in front of your trade show booth, at a community event or anywhere else. If you want to include text, consider making your background lighter and the text darker for a bold effect.
- They’re tall: Flags come in a variety of sizes, but many of them are quite tall. The tallest flags are over 7 meters high. Something that large commands people’s attention and is more likely to be seen from greater distances. If you’re looking for a way to make your signage more impactful, you don’t need to overthink it. By simply making it bigger, you increase your chances of getting people’s attention.
- They’re compact and efficient: Though flags can be tall, they’re all pretty narrow. That means you have to be concise with your messaging to fit it on the flag and make it readable. While this may feel like a challenge when you’re designing your flag, the result will be simple, bold text that people are more likely to read compared to long, drawn-out messages. In some cases, all you need is your company’s logo or just a single word to have an impact.
- They’re weather-resistant: Flags can be placed indoors, but they’re also made to stand up to outdoor conditions. This is true for all outdoor flag signage, but some shapes are especially well-suited to dealing with stronger winds. Because flags are so durable, you can expect them to last a long time, even when they’re subject to rain, wind, snow and other forces of nature. Extreme weather may still be an issue, but typical weather conditions won’t hurt your flags.
- They work 24/7: When you post flags outside, especially next to a busy street or popular area of town, people can see your marketing flags morning, noon and night. Your custom flags work around the clock advertising for your business without you ever having to do anything after that initial installation. If you install them in a well-lit area, then they will even be visible at night.
When it comes to brand awareness, different tactics work for different companies. Fortunately, marketing flags come in a variety of shapes and sizes so you can choose the best option for your space and budget limitations as well as your vision for your flags.
You can choose from several different shapes for your flags, depending on the space available and your company’s preference. Some popular flag shapes include:
- Teardrop: A teardrop flag looks like half of a tear or dewdrop. The wider part of the teardrop is at the top of the flag while the narrow point is at the bottom. It includes a pole that bends over the top to hold it in place. These flags are tauter than some other shapes, which makes them a great option when you want them to remain still rather than wave in the wind.
- Feather: Feather flags look like a bird’s feather. Some other types of flag shape, such as teardrop flags, are actually a subcategory of feather flags. Like the teardrop shape, the feather flag pole bends at the top, though it does not come over as far. The flag itself is curved both on the top and on the bottom.
- Straight: Straight-shaped flags have the same curve on top that feather flags have, but the flags come straight down at the bottom to form a right angle. Because they are straight on the bottom, straight flags offer a bit more printing space for your graphics.
- Edge: The edge shape is simply a rectangle. The flag pole includes a bar on top to hold the flag in place. These flags look similar to a standing banner display.
Flags also come in various sizes, from as short as under 3meters all the way up to over 7meters tall. If you plan to place flags in a place where they will be in close proximity to passersby, such as in front of your business or your trade show booth, pick a flag that is eye-level in height (about 60 inches tall). If you want your flags to be visible from more of a distance, then larger flags can help you achieve that.
Another factor to consider is whether you want your flags to be single- or double-sided. On a single-sided flag, your graphic will be fully visible on one side. Since the material is somewhat translucent, you’ll see your graphic from the back on the other side. This means that images and words will appear backward. A double-sided flag is actually two panels of material that each feature your graphic clearly. If you want your flag to be just as impactful and readable from either side, double-sided is the way to go.
Setting up your marketing flags is easy. You just need to choose where they’ll go and assemble them. Assembly is as simple as putting the pole together, sliding the flag over the pole and connecting it to the base. You can choose from various options for bases. The best choice depends on the type of terrain where you’re displaying your flags. Some options include:
- Ground stake
- Cross base
- Steel square base
- Stackable base
- Drive-over base
- Auger stake
- Fillable base
- Water ring fillable base
While assembly itself is a cinch, deciding where to put your custom-printed flags can take a little more time. After all, you want to make sure your flags are as effective as possible. Best practices for flag placement really come down to where the most people will see your flags.
In some situations, placement decisions are made for you. For example, at a trade show, custom flags at the front of your booth can be an excellent way to grab the attention of attendees. If you’re having a sidewalk sale, it makes sense to include flags right there to announce the sale. However, when you’re solely focused on boosting your brand awareness, it may not be as obvious where you should place your branded flags.
Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine the perfect location for your flag signage:
- Do any of the streets surrounding my building receive heavy foot traffic?
- Do people walk past the front entrance of my business?
- Is there a street near my business that receives more foot traffic than closer streets do?
- Where around town does my target audience frequent?
- Are there any high visibility locations off of major roads or highways near my business?
Balinese Flags and Tear-Drop Custom Printing in Bali
Put your message in all of the places it needs to be with eye-catching banners and flags from Bali Print Shop. Get your message across with big, bold banners. Whether displayed indoors or out, hanging or in stands, there's no better way to make an impact. Durable, flexible and portable, banners keep working for you—again and again. Bali Print Shop can help print your custom design banners for any need. Choose from a variety of material and sizes. Full color banners allow you to take advantage of infinite color combinations, distinctive type styles and digital photographic images to make your banner pop.